Our Trustees

Richard Feather

Richard has worked in education throughout his working life as a Maths teacher and more recently as an Exams officer and Data Manager in a secondary school. He and his wife, Nicola, have been members of Cairns Road

Baptist Church for more than 20 years. They have three now-adult children. Richard joined the Noah’s Ark Trustees in 2011, not long after he and his family had returned from a 5-year spell working in a school in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Richard is Treasurer to the Trustees and chairs Trustees’ meetings.




Ailsa Bailey

Ailsa is very proud to have been a trustee/company secretary for Noah’s Ark since her two daughters (now teenagers) attended. She has also been a member of Cairns Road Baptist Church for many years where she is part of a 

home group and helps with the 5- to 11-year-olds on a Sunday morning.

After gaining her biology degree, Ailsa worked for not-for-profit science publishers for a number of years before her present position as website editor for Roots for Churches.

In her spare time Ailsa plays the trumpet and enjoys running, riding her bike, and walking the family labrador. She is also passionate about sustainability and finding ways to engage people positively in taking action prayerfully and practically to solve the climate crisis.


Helen Wilson

Helen has been a fan of Noah’s Ark since her youngest child attended about twenty years ago and has been a trustee since 2011. She is also a member of Cairns Road Baptist Church where she particularly enjoys being part of the Children’s Team and a home group.
Helen works as a children’s nurse in the community and loves spending time outdoors as much as possible in her free time.

Maki Miço

Having encountered the good news of Jesus through the faithful work of missionaries to his country of birth, Albania, Maki had a call to ministry since his teens.

Meeting Ruth in Albania as a missionary, they served together until returning to UK in 2009. Maki trained at Bristol Baptist college, and as from July 2013 has been serving as a full-time minister of Cairns Road Baptist Church.

His passion is for people to encounter the transforming good news of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Maki believes that the good news of Jesus is the best news one will ever hear, and we are to share it with conviction, courage, and passion!  


Sue Holden


Claire Burkill

Claire moved to Bristol in summer 2023 and her eldest daughter started at Noah’s Ark that September. She is married with 3 young children and attends a local church in Westbury. Before having children she worked as a physiotherapist in the NHS but now time is taken up chasing after the kids. When time allows she enjoys running, swimming, cycling, baking and catching up with friends.