Breakfast and Tea Club

Breakfast Club and Tea Club are additional sessions that you can add to your child’s day to extend their time at Pre-school. Some parents find this is useful to accommodate their work and other commitments.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is in the Yellow Room at the start of the Pre-school day. Children arrive anytime form 7.45am. They are given a healthy breakfast of cereal and toast . After breakfast, the children are supervised while they clean their teeth and then they can  play inside before the other children arrive for the  main session which starts at 8.45 am.

Tea Club

Tea Club takes place in the Yellow Room. Children  have access to different  resources, and are given a light snack of toast with cheese, fruit and a drink.

Session Times and Fees

We are open during term time from Monday to Friday.

  • Breakfast club 7.45 – 8.45 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays
  • Tea Club 3.30pm – 5pm on Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays.

Cost (per session)

Breakfast Club £6.50

Tea Club £7.50

For more information about Breakfast and Tea Club, please see our leaflet. 


If you are interested in a place in Breakfast club or Tea club for your child, please contact the office.