Fees and Funding


Noah’s Ark Pre-school offers places for children aged 2–4 years and is open term time only (38 weeks per year).

Sessions available at Noah’s Ark

Session times
Breakfast Club. (Tues-Thu)7.45-8.45
Lunch Club11.45-12.30
Tea Club (Mon - Thu)3.30-5.00

Please contact the Office for information on our current fees. 


All FEEE entitlements at Noah’s Ark are funded for 38 weeks enabling families of 3 & 4-year-olds to access up to 15 hours each week. In addition some working families will be eligible to claim Extended Entitlement increasing their claim to 30 hours a week. Universal FEEE for 3 & 4-year-olds: up to 15 hours a week. (a maximum of 6 hours and 45 minutes in a day) Families of all 3 & 4- year-olds can claim this entitlement following their child’s 3rd birthday and not before the start of the next entitlement period which commence at the start of Term 1, Term 3 or Term 5.

From April 2024, working families of 2-year-olds will be eligible to claim 15 hours extended entitlement. Families of 2-year-olds will be able to claim this entitlement following their child’s 2nd birthday and not before the start of the next entitlement period which commences at the start of Term 1, Term 3 or Term 5. 
To apply for this extended funding, parents need to apply via the childcare choices website. HMRC will confirm your eligibility for wither the 2-year-old working parent extended 15 hour funding or the 3 & 4-year-old extended 15 hour funding and allocate you an 11 digit code. This code needs to be validated by Noah’s Ark before you can claim these extended FEEE hours. If your code has not been validated, you will be liable to pay for the additional hours over the universal 15 hours. 
Families on a low income may be eligible to claim up to 15 hours universal free hours. To find out if you are eligible for 2-year-old FEEE, you will need to apply directly to the local authority. Parents must apply online for a place with Bristol City Council : www.bristol.gov.uk/freeplacefortwos and be checked for eligibility before a free place can be offered. 
Please see a copy of our Fees and Finance policy here.